Supplier Representative Permit

Representatives of manufacturers, rectifiers and/or importers must obtain a Supplier's Representative permit before soliciting orders from a licensed wholesaler in Tennessee.

After issuance, the Supplier's Representative permit expires on December 31st of each year.
Applicants can apply for this permit using RLPS.


  • Representatives are limited to selling and/or representing one (1) manufacturer, rectifier or importer and that entity’s affiliates, which includes subsidiaries the entity can or does control through ownership or ownership of a controlling stock interest.
  • Applicant for a Suppliers Representative permit must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Once issued, the Suppliers Representative permit is subject to inspection by the commission or an authorized agent at any time without prior notice.


  • Pursuant to the Fresh Start Act, no person holding a TABC permit may have been convicted of a crime which directly relates to the business of alcoholic beverage sales.