Kristen Aplin

Kristen Aplin

Executive Director of Regulatory Boards Administration 


Kristen Aplin serves as the Director of Administration within TDCI’s Division of Regulatory Boards Administration Section. In her role, she oversees the administrative licensing team and provides support to the Assistant Commissioner for Regulatory Boards and the Division’s 10 executive directors.

Kristen embarked on her career with the State of Tennessee in 2007 at the Department of Probation and Parole. After joining TDCI in 2010, she assumed the role of Executive Director for the Customer Service Center and Centralized Complaints section in 2016. During her tenure, Kristen spearheaded initiatives that led to notable achievements, including significantly reduced wait times, implementation of new web, chat, and text functions, and a 96% average customer satisfaction rate.

Kristen is an alumna of Troy University, graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree. She has completed over 120 hours in Tennessee state leadership training, including LEAD Tennessee Alliance 9 and the Commissioner’s Leadership Academy. Her dedication and accomplishments were recognized in fall 2019 when she received the Governor’s Service in Excellence Award.