Safety Performance Measures

The Safety PM Final Rule establishes performance measures for the purposes of assessing fatalities and serious injuries and supports the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP). This rule also establishes a common national definition for serious injuries. The Federal Highway Administration advises state Departments of Transportation to set realistic targets which are based on analysis of trends and projections of future efforts. While TDOT's long-term vision is to eliminate serious injuries and fatalities, it is likely this will be from a gradual decline. Targets consist of 5-year moving averages and are required to be updated annually. 

Final Rules

Highway Safety Improvement Program Final Rule

National Performance Management Measures: Highway Safety Improvement Program Final Rule

Performance Measures

  1. Number of Fatalities
  2.  Rate of Fatalities per 100 million Vehicle Miles Traveled
  3.  Number of Serious Injuries
  4. Rate of Serious Injuries per 100 million Vehicle Miles Traveled
  5.  Number of Non-motorized Fatalities and Non-Motorized Serious Injuries

Target Publications

Tennessee Highway Safety Improvement Plan

State Performance Dashboard - Tennessee

Additional Information

FHWA - Safety Performance Management  

FHWA - State Safety Performance Dashboard and Reports

Tennessee Highway Safety Plan