File an IG Complaint

For Air National Guard matters, submit an Air Form 102
(IMPORTANT: This PDF form may require download to view.)


For Army National Guard matters, submit a Department of the Army Form 1559
(IMPORTANT: This PDF form may require download to view.)


Please make sure that you sign the document on the bottom and check appropriate boxes to indicate whether or not we can use your information to help complete your request. It is OK to not consent, but keep in mind that non-consent may take longer and make it more difficult to resolve your complaint.  If you do not consent, we will do our best to keep your anonymity, but there is no guarantee - especially when it involves pay issues, bonuses, etc.  When consent is given, we will still do our best not to use your information unless absolutely necessary.  


When filling out the background of your request, please answer these questions as well:


  1.  Have you given the chain of command an opportunity to address the problem?
  2. Do you have any supporting documentation? If so, please attach it to your complaint.
  3. Have you requested assistance from any other source?


You may e-mail your complaint to OR fax to (615) 313-0760.  Alternatively, if you have access to the Joint Force Headquarters – Tennessee offices, you may hand-deliver your complaint to Building 100, Room D201. 


Please contact us at (615) 313-3063/4/5/6/7/8 if you have any questions.