Our Programs

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To promote urban forestry across Tennessee, we provide various programs and financial assistance options to organizations in our state.

Current Programs

Arbor Day in Tennessee

In Tennessee, Arbor Day is officially celebrated on the first Friday in March.

Community Tree Planting Program

The TAEP (Tennessee Agricultural Enhancement Program) grant fund for community tree planting is provided by the 2008 State Legislature.

Past Programs

Urban Riparian Buffer Program

In 2012 the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, Division of Forestry (TDF) initiated a pilot program through a grant from the USDA Forest Service to help restore riparian buffers along streams and waterways in 8 priority watersheds.

Other Programs

Community Program Assessment

Evaluating the status of urban and community forestry programs in Tennessee is twofold: 1) it is a factor in determining the amount of grant money Tennessee receives from the USDA Forest Service; and 2) it provides an assessment of where our communities stand in their program development.

TN Urban & Community Wood Network

We are building a collaborative network to promote sustainable urban wood utilization throughout the State of Tennessee.