Home Health Exemptions

Pediatric Exemption

Effective October 1, 2021, under TCA 68-11-1607 (s) (1), a certificate of need is not required to establish a home health agency limited to providing home health services to patients less than eighteen (18) years of age. A license issued by the commission pursuant to this subsection (s) for the provision of home health services to patients under eighteen (18) years of age must be limited to the provision of only those services.

A home health agency that provides pediatric home health services without a certificate of need within two (2) years of the initiation of service, be accredited by and submit proof to the commission of the accreditation from:

(i) An accrediting organization with deeming authority from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services;
(ii) The Joint Commission;
(iii) The Community Health Accreditation Partner; or
(iv) The Accreditation Commission for Health Care.

TCA 68-11-1607 (r) (2) indicates a home health agency that provides home health services without a certificate that fails to comply with the accreditation requirement of subdivision TCA 68-11-1607 (r)(1) is subject to licensure sanction under § 68-11-207.


Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000 (EEOICPA) Exemption

Effective October 1, 2021, under TCA 68-11-1607 (r) (1), a certificate of need is not required to establish a home health agency limited to providing home health services under the federal Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000 (EEOICPA) (42 U.S.C. § 7384, et seq.), or a subsequent amendment, revision, or modification. A license issued by the commission pursuant to this subsection (r) for services under the EEOICPA must be limited to the provision of only those services. Furthermore, a home health agency providing home health services without a certificate of need pursuant to this subsection (r) must be accredited by The Joint Commission, the Community Health Accreditation Partner, or the Accreditation Commission for Health Care and submit proof of such accreditation to the commission within two (2) years of the initiation of service.


The following forms must be filed with the Health Facilities Commission by any person or entity who establishes a home health agency or adds counties to an existing licensed service area for pediatrics under CON exemption.


1. Initial Notification of Home Health Accreditation for CON Exemption (Click Here for Form)

Form notifies HFC’s Certificate of Need Division of the intent to pursue home health accreditation under CON Exemption for EEOICPA and/or pediatric.

2. Annual Progress Report of Home Health Accreditation for CON Exemption (Click Here for Form)

This form reports accreditation progress under the CON exemption.

3. Final Report-Home Health Agencies Exempted Due to Serving Pediatric Patients (Click Here for Form)

This report includes required information to fulfill the requirement of being accredited within 2 years of licensure per statute.


Forms are also available at the following link: https://www.tn.gov/hfc/hfc-forms.html Forms may be mailed to the Commission office or emailed to hsda.staff@tn.gov.

The following forms must be filed with the Health Facilities Commission by any person or entity who establishes a home health agency or adds counties to an existing licensed service area under the CON EEOICPA exemption.


1. Initial Notification of Home Health Accreditation for CON Exemption (Click Here for Form)

Form notifies HFC’s Certificate of Need Division of the intent to pursue home health accreditation under CON Exemption for EEOICPA and/or pediatric.

2. Annual Progress Report of Home Health Accreditation for CON Exemption (Click Here for Form)

This form reports accreditation progress under the CON exemption.

3. Final Report-Home Health Agencies Exempted Due to Serving EEOICPA (Click Here for Form)

This report includes required information to fulfill the requirement of being accredited within 2 years of licensure per statute.


Forms are available at the following link: https://www.tn.gov/hfc/hfc-forms.html Forms may be mailed to the Commission office or emailed to hsda.staff@tn.gov.

For information regarding TennCare and Private Duty, please refer to the below memo.


TennCare Memo Regarding Private Duty

For ACHC Accreditation

Anyone looking to apply for home health accreditation through ACHC can set up a Customer Central account at the below website. After that is completed, they will be contacted by a Customer Care team member that can talk to them about the standards, ACHC survey process, timeline for survey, etc.


For Customer Service, please email at Customerservice@achc.org .


For The Joint Commission

Does your home health organization have questions about Joint Commission home care accreditation?  For general inquiries, questions related to statndards and survey process, please contact us at homecare@jointcommission.org .
