

Trauma Centers are designated under the rules of the Health Facilities Commission's Division of Licensing and Regulation. Hospitals voluntarily seek trauma center designation in order to care for the most seriously injured patients with the goal of reducing patient mortality and morbidity. Over 30,000 patients are admitted to Tennessee trauma centers annually, with more than 20,000 treated at the five level one centers located in Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, and Johnson City.

The Health Facilities Commission is responsible for conducting the inspection process by contracting with qualified trauma surgeons and nurses and scheduling trauma center inspections that are conducted within a three-year designation period as stipulated in BLHCF rules.

**NEW** Designated Trauma Center and Comprehensive Regional Pediatric Center Listing

Tennessee Trauma Care System Plan

Field Triage Decision Scheme (CDC)

Guidelines for Field Triage of Injured Patients (CDC)

Trauma Destination Guidelines (2-25-2020)

**NEW** 2023 Annual Report